In this time of ever changing policy and legislation it is more important than ever to ensure you have a fully supported and robust submitted planning application. It is not a simple fact that you can discuss your proposals with the Local Authority, submit your application and it will run smoothly. Often, decisions are made by the Local Authority which are later overturned on Appeal, which can lead to a lengthy and costly process. We are able to undertake all types of application on your behalf.
It is imperative to undertake a planning appraisal in order that sound and straight forward advice can be provided, an approach which is extremely cost effective in the long-term. An independent appraisal can be undertaken with no obligation to move forward. A typical appraisal will include an initial telephone discussion, a planning history search of the site or premises at the offices of the Local Authority, investigation into Local and National Planning Policy, a site visit and written letter/report outlining the findings.
Serviam Planning offers this service as an ‘stand alone’ instruction from as little as £800.00.

The appeal system can be a very complex area of planning and planning law. Should you have received a refusal of planning permission, We are able to appraise the original application and supporting documents/the Local Authority Decision Notice.
Following this, we are able to advise as to the way forward. Not all refusals of planning permission are suitable to take to appeal.
Often a fresh and fully supported application may remedy the situation. Appeals can be an expensive and time consuming task.
We will therefore only advise this process is undertaken should we feel your chances of success are high.
Contrary to popular belief, the undertaking of development without planning permission is not it itself a criminal offence. However, the Local Authority has at its disposal several ways in which to remedy breaches of planning control by the issuing of notices such as Enforcement, Stop, Section 215 and Breach of Condition Notices.
Information required to satisfy these notices are required by law and it is imperative that the formal legal process is followed in order to comply with the relevant legislation. We are able to assist you with all types of enforcement action which may have been taken against you. It is important to act fast. Many Clients have attempted to undergo the process themselves and at the last minute, realised they needed assistance. This adds pressure to the situation, shrinks the timetable for compliance and can result in exacerbated costs.

Local Plan Representations
Are you a landowner looking to have your land allocated? Do you have land which is out of the settlement boundary or in designated area? Many Local Plans are currently being produced, along with a change in legislation which brings a ‘brownfield register’ to the Local Authority providing a ‘presumption in favour’. We undertake all aspects of land promotion and are able to offer a competitive appraisal service.
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